Date of birth: 30.06.2001
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2017

Carlos Leobardo Taba Cedillo was born in the Federal State of Mexico on 30 June 2001. He was born without upper and lower limbs. When Carlos was three years old, his mother enrolled him in a kindergarten for children with special needs. The teachers, however, realised that his disability was only physical in nature and recommended that he should be enrolled in a normal kindergarten. Even though he knew that he has in some way 'different', he had a happy childhood. His family and teachers always included him in all kinds of activities. During a computer class, he met Cesar Omar Moreno Diaz, a colleague with the same physical restrictions. Their mothers talked about their experiences and, as a result, he learned of the Association. In December 2012, he met Ms Raquel Hernández from the Mexican publishing house. She spoke with him about the possible opportunities that membership of the Association might offer. She arranged for him to meet the painting teacher Ms Cristina López Franco, who taught Carlos for three years.

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