For half a century the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World (VDMFK) has supported highly successful artists who because of a handicap or disease are unable to create their works of art with their hands and instead use their mouths or feet.
Board of Directors
The Board of the association consists of seven mouth and foot painting artists, including the President and the Vice President.
Tasks & Goals
The VDMFK was founded by and for mouth and foot painting artists and has all the characteristics of a self-help organization.
Scholarship & Membership
In addition to artistic promotion, the VDMFK provides sustainable financial support for mouth and foot painting artists
16 mouth and foot painters met on March 19 and 20, 1957 in Vaduz to hold the founding meeting. These two days are considered to be the birth of the association.
VDMFK Magazine
The popular VDMFK magazine appears twice a year and reports on the latest events around the VDMKF and the artists.
Abstract of the bylaws
The purpose of the VDMFK as well as the tasks and responsibilities of the association’s bodies are specified in the bylaws.