Welcome at VDMFK
The Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World, registered association, (VDMFK) supports and promotes artists who, due to disability or disease, cannot create their works of art with their hands, but have to use their mouths or their feet. From a small group of 18 mouth and foot painting artists, the VDMFK developed over the course of the years into an association which is active worldwide and already represented in 69 countries of the world with currently about 740 artists.
The 740 mouth and foot painting artists are represented on all five continents. They all have one thing in common, the love of painting.
The diversity of the artists’ works is impressive. They were created in an extraordinary way; by
mouth or by foot !
VDMFK Worldwide
Over the years, the VDMFK has grown into a global association. Currently, the artists’ reproduced works are distributed in 45 countries.
Warm embrace between Mexican foot painter José Gerardo Uribe and telenovela star Angélica Rivera
Board member Ann Lund Wahlberg from Denmark portrays her sweet little daughter
Polish mouth and foot painters; young and old!
International exhibition at the Museum Marítim in Barcelona
Simona Azori from Milan combines the art of painting with the art of dance
Miriam Paré meets Pierce Brosnan – Mouth painter in conversation with the James Bond star
After foot painter Charkorn Kaewsri from Thailand won the bronze medal at the Paralympic Games in Sydney in 2000, he
Conference of British Mouth and Foot Painters 2024
From 29 to 31 August, 18 British mouth and foot painters met for a conference at St James Park in
Art and sport
In the run-up to the Paralympic Games in Paris, the grand opening of the multimedia exhibition “Art and Sport” took