- Footpainter
Semaan Agostina Antonella
- Argentina
Agostina Antonella Semaan was born without arms on 28 September 1990 due to a congenital deformity. During her early childhood she received stimulation therapy, which was intended to assist her in using her feet for all activities in the future. Step by step Ms Semaan began to perform everyday activities with her feet, including painting and drawing among others. Under the guidance of the then associate member, and today full member, Ms María Benítez Velozo, the foot painter had an opportunity of improving her painting skills and thus perfecting them.
Agostina Antonella Semaan has a degree in Visual Art from the National University Institute of Art - IUNA. She can refer to her participation in many national exhibitions as well as having held numerous painting demonstrations and presentations in public institutions, such as schools for example. During these she talks about her art as a foot painter, while also defending the rights of people with disabilities.