Date of birth: 13.09.1989
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2024

Juan José Barbosa Jaimes was born on 13 September 1989 in the municipality of Saravena Arauca. He spent his childhood in the countryside with his parents and 5 siblings, and attended school up to the age of 11, after which he supported his parents with their daily tasks. At the age of 18 he was drafted for military service, where he remained for 17 months until on 6 June 2009 he had an accident and fell into a gorge, injuring his spinal cord. At the military hospital he was diagnosed with a C4-C6 spinal cord injury. After a long stay in hospital, he was discharged in May 2011 and his family took him home to the town of Saravena. In July 2018 he met a friend who was able to teach him painting, and gave him painting lessons in his house. He would like to become a famous artist and travel to the coast.

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