Date of birth: 21.06.1978
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2016

Selma Aman was born on 21 June 1978 in Berlin, and has been handicapped since birth due to oxygen deficiency at the time of her birth.   She suffered from tetra spasticity of the upper and lower extremities and as a result is unable to use her hands.

When she finished her secondary school education, Ms Aman completed an apprenticeship as an office administrator, receiving the IHK (Chamber of Commerce) certificate. She went to evening school and successfully obtained her "Mittlere Reife" ("O"-Level equivalent) and university of applied sciences entrance qualification. Selma will be studying law at the Berlin School of Economics and Law until 2016.

She uses a wheelchair, and can get out of the wheelchair and move around for short periods of time - this is not possible for longer periods, however. So she is able to sit on a normal stool at a table to paint.

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