Date of birth: 06.08.1987
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2013

Bertha Guadalupe Alvarez Pérez was born on 6 August 1987 in the town of Los Mochis, Sinaloa (Mexico). She and her twin sister were born premature in the 7th month. This resulted in neonatal hypoxia, which caused infantile cerebral palsy. However, this was only diagnosed at the age of 1 ½ years. The subsequent damages for Bertha Guadalupe Alvarez Pérez were significant, and spastic diplegia was diagnosed. Therefore, she cannot carry out fine motor movements with her hands. In addition, there is generalised spasticity.

At the suggestion of the scholarship holder and mouth painter Edith Adriana Herrera, she began to attend the painting workshop of the VDMFK scholarship holder and mouth painter Lidia de Jesús Cháidez López in March 2007. There, she learned the art of mouth painting step by step.

The artist prefers to paint landscape themes from her homeland of Mexico, and still life's in all variations.

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