Date of birth: 25.08.1980
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2024

Robson Suniga was born on 25 August 1980 in lndiavaí in the heartland of Mato Grosso.
He worked as a farm labourer from the age of 11, looking after the cattle.
On 27 July 2002 he had an accident at a rodeo. He fell while riding, and jarred his spinal cord and fractured his cervical vertebrae (C4/C5). The family had many difficulties, as due to his physical disability he was no longer able to work. After Robson’s accident, his mother took care of him. Robson Suniga is now married and has two children.

In 2021 a professor told him that there are painters who paint with their mouth and feet, and she told him about the VDMFK. The idea that one day he himself could be part of the VDMFK motivated him. He was very happy with his first drawing, loves painting and discovering after such a long time that he can create something on his own.

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