Date of birth: 10.09.1981
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2023

Ricardo Gonzalez Rocha Souza was born in Rio de Janeiro on 10 September 1981. Shortly before his 16th birthday, Ricardo had a car accident. Ricardo Gonzales became a quadriplegic, which changed his life and that of his closest family members. He was in the 1st  year of high school at the time and had to interrupt his studies for the time needed for clinical and psychological recovery. After this period, thanks to a lot of dedication, personal faith and the help of family and friends, Ricardo Gonzales was able to resume some of his activities, restructure his life goals and set new goals and dreams. Between 2002 and 2006, he graduated from high school and completed his studies in life sciences.

Mr Gonzales got to know the VDMFK many years ago through Christmas cards and later through meetings with friends. These friends, including Marcelo Cunha (Associate Member of the VDMFK) and Luciano Nascimento (Scholarship Holder of the Association), have always encouraged him to enter this wonderful universe of art. During the Corona pandemic he decided to dedicate himself to mouth painting and now he wants to focus on this new life goal that he believes fills his heart.

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