Date of birth: 03.07.2006
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2024

Mélodie Spiess was born on 3 July 2006 in Belfort, with cerebral palsy resulting from a stroke. Mélodie has a sister who is three years older, Marine, who has been a driving force for Mélodie since her early childhood. Mélodie lives with her family in a single-family house in the Alsace.
Since the age of 6 months Mélodie has received physiotherapy, speech therapy and psychomotor therapy, as well as adapted sports lessons.
Mélodie’s goal is clear and without any alternative: she would like to become an artist and painter; she made this decision after a year with numerous visits to different places of work or schools in the Alsace and Lothringen. The family found an establishment at which alongside school, art is also a high priority. Mélodie also attends painting lessons and workshops outside school.
Mélodie is a young girl who has the ambition of living from what she loves; she attaches great importance to human values, and has an incredible sense of observation and listening. Despite her difficulties in speaking, she communicates very well in writing.

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